Real Estate & HomeOwners Insurance
Primary Residence | Second Home | Investment Properties
Real-Estate Property Insurance Coverage
Single-Family Insurance
Protects Your Home and Other Structures Such as Barns, Garages and Pools
Multi-Family Insurance
Customized Insurance For Dwellings that Include 2 to 4 Separate Living Units
Condo Insurance
Coverage For Condos, Co-Ops Town-Homes and Other Shared Communities
Renters Insurance
Insurance For Rental Contents and Personal Property of The Renter
Need a quote to insure your Real-Estate Property?
Common Insurable Risks In Homeowners Insurance Policies
This is a non-exhustive lists of the most common risks that can be covered under your homeowners policy. Some might be applicable in your area, and some don’t. if you are interested to cover a risk that is not listed here, please contact us and we will help you find the most suitable coverage.
🔥 Fire
🌩 Lightning
🌀 Windstorm or hail
🌊 Flood
💥 Explosion
🚘 Vehicles
💨 Smoke
🕵️♂️ Vandalism, malicious mischief or Theft (limited)
🛬 Aircraft
🌲 Falling objects
❄️ Weight of ice, sleet, or snow
💧 Accidental discharge or overflow of water or steam
🌋 Volcanic Eruption
⚡ Sudden and accidental damage from artificially generated electrical current
What Will My Insurance Pay For In Case of a Covered Loss?
If a covered occurrence happens, you can most likely expect your insurance company to pay for loss in the following categories:
Home and Other Structures
Furniture & Personal Property
Liability Claims
Medical Payments to Other
Loss Of Use
Home Sharing Insurance - Airbnb, HomeAway, Vrbo, Etc.
Cover the risks associated with Short-Term Rentals. Protect yourself, your property, other articles and the expected income generated from your Short-Term Rental Property